Tuesday, 19 August 2008

Spotted Horse

At the Young's agm a month or so ago, there was a comment from the floor from a small shareholder that he was disgusted that some of the company's pubs now had pub signs that had been painted by the local kindergarten.

The only pub that I caught the name of was The Green Man at Putney Heath, though I have yet to visit to see for myself.

However, on my way home from the volunteers party after GBBF, I changed night bus in Putney. As I waited for my connection, I glanced across the road to see this :

Now I can't get worked up about pub signs - my campaigning is all about the actual drink that I love - however, I can concede that "disgusted of Wandsworth" does have a point. For a company that is working hard to convince us (not always successfully) that they are focused on their company's history and heritage, I cannot see the value in causing such a storm in a teacup by such nonsense.

A visit to The Green Man is now a must to see their new signs, I am led to believe they are not quite as "basic" as this one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I quite like the design of the one above. Often more is less!
Don't you just have sayings like that?