Given that this blog has been fairly well received in the eighteen months that I have been working on it, and continues to attract an increasing readership, I thought it worth spreading my quill a little farther afield and see if I have the capability of some more formal writing projects.
I had a few ideas, one of which I have worked on in more detail in the last couple of weeks. I shared it with someone I trust and we agreed that it was worthy of further research and work.
I am fast learning the ups and downs of the publishing world. My proposal has been tweaked at least four times so far and the pitch is now ready for a wider audience.
I am not going to elaborate further at this stage as the project is still very much a work-in-progress. One thing is for sure, I will give it my best shot to see if I have the confidence and the ability to become a "real" beer writer.
So, are you just going to give up then?
Maybe you should approach your thinking from another direction.
Try something completely unrelated and see what emerges.
I agree with Phil:
"you should approach your thinking from another direction."
For example when in Brüno last we had three "pints" and a meal for the equivalent of £8.50.
"Gosh" I said, "that's the cost of 3 pints back home so that means the meal was free".
"Ah" said the analyst amongst us, "No. The meal cost £8.50 and the Beer was Free". Now that sounded much better, Don't you agree.
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