Thursday 26 March 2009


Well, that's it. I am no longer CAMRA's Regional Director for London.

After four and a half years in the job, I feel it is time for a change and I did not put myself forward for re-election. Kimberly Martin was last night elected as CAMRA's new RD for the coming year. I wish her well.

This blog will continue - at least for the time being - I might not be able to bring information from within the Campaign nor act as a CAMRA spokesman, but hopefully I will be able to break free from my CAMRA shackles and bring some interesting commentary on beer, breweries and pubs in and around London. There is enough of a following to maintain the blog but I will easily see if readers drop off if my musing are less than interesting.

I am also the CAMRA Brewery Liaison Officer for Sambrook's Brewery so, apart from their web-site, this will continue to be the place to find their news and events.

Stay tuned !

I now turn my attentions to other things. I will now have upwards of 20 hours a week spare so if anyone can find me a similar job that involves visiting pubs and drinking beer, I could be tempted.


Anonymous said...

You now need a well earned rest after 4 1/2 long years as RD. You did a great job and London is in a better Real Ale position than when you started. Cheers

Brew Wales said...

Welcome to the ex-RDs club! Should we form a Facebook Group?

Anonymous said...

Something I sent you recently you referred to as Quality.
I think I can say the same about you.
"That was Quality".
Thanks for doing what you did, Steve.


Stonch said...

Spare a thought for imaginary and figurative ale, though, chaps.

Anonymous said...

Ooh! You don't want your readers dropping off, do you dear!